
Like David of old, being consecrated for ministry is vital. The process was set forth in the church well before the close of the apostolic era. The need for qualified ordained ministers is greater than ever before.  2 Corinthians 3:6 states we are all able ministers of the new testament, and Gatekeepers Fellowship recognizes the many and various calls within the Body of Christ who should be ordained to function the way they do.  

Gatekeepers Fellowship ordains men and women, 18 years of age or older, with the purpose of recognizing individuals whom God has called, to set them apart for ministry, to safeguard the ministry, and to provide an event that will encourage them in years to come.

We provide ordinations for more than just church leaders.  The call to the ministry is broad in scope and many have been passed over because they do not pastor or evangelize.  But at Gatekeepers Fellowship we recognize many callings and offer ordinations for those individuals.  If you do not see your area ministry listed, please state your specific ministry call on your application form.  

Worship/Music Leader
Worship Team Member
Food Ministry

Drug Recovery 
Associate Pastor
Music Ministry Band
Intercessory Prayer
Ministry of Helps
Bus Ministry

Spiritual covering can’t be over-emphasized; there are many blessings which come your way because you are spiritually covered.  There is an application process that takes approximately 3-4 weeks to complete.  Included in that process is fee that covers a background check, but we do not perform a credit check.  As well, Gatekeepers Fellowship is a virtual fellowship, and as such we could not offer an ordination service with the laying on of hands and praying over you. 

As one of our ordained ministers you will be in spiritual and contractual covenant with Gatekeepers Fellowship, Inc. This is explained in further detail in the application which you can fill out online or download and send to our offices.  Once you are granted your ordination, you are able to perform weddings, communion, funerals, and any other privileges which ordain ministers have.

There is an exception to the legal ordination in some states.  In the following states you will have to register with your County Clerk (your county may have another title for this particular office). This is done so you ordination is recognized and enables you to be a marriage officiant in that state.

There is an exception to the legal ordination in some states.  In the following states you will have to register with your County Clerk (your county may have another title for this particular office). This recognizes your ordination and enables you to be an marriage officiant in that state:

  1. Arkansas
  2. Delaware
  3. Hawaii
  4. Louisiana
  5. Massachusetts
  6. Minnesota
  7. Nevada
  8. New Hampshire
  1. New York
  2. Ohio
  3. Oklahoma
  4. Puerto Rico
  5. Vermont
  6. Virginia
  7. Washington DC
  8. West Virginia